Why Teenage Girls Should Not Use After-sun Skincare Products


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Girls are always serious about their health and beauty. They often use a number of cosmetics products to maintain their beauty. 

To avoid their skin from any burn and rashes they use a few products, sun skincare products are included in them. Girls usually know what product to use and why to use it.

Though girls might think after-sun skin care is beneficial for them it could be bad for teenage girls. Here we’ll know why teenage girls should not use after-sun skincare.

Why Teenage Girls Should Not Use After-sun Skincare Products?

Girls like to enjoy the summer going out so the first thing they add to their shopping bag is sunscreen or after-sun skincare products. The teenagers feel that using after-sun skincare helps their skin to heal and cool down their skin. But this certainly isn’t the case.

After sun skincare is bad for a teenager. There are some issues that a teenager might face due to it. Some of the issues are:

  • After sun skincare can’t repair the DNA which means the cell of skin can never be repaired with the help of it. So, saying that it can heal burns is completely wrong.
  • Teenagers during their puberty face changes to their skin so maintaining their skin could be hard. Thick oily formulations create an emollient barrier on top of the skin, trapping in heat and exacerbating inflammation which can develop acne and other problems to the skin.
  • The cooling alcohol dent in it dehydrates the skin further which results in oily skin and a burning sensation also comes along with sunburn.
  • The fragrance used in skincare reacts with the skin and causes irritation to the skin.

As teenage is an important period for any girls because a lot of changes happen so they need to be careful. Due to hormonal surges, it’s better not to experiment with anything because it can have a bad effect on the skin which will take a toll on you later.

Doctors have recommended not to use after skincare which may cool the skin for the time being but has a bad effect on the skin. So, it’s better for a teenager not to use after sun skincare.


Teens face a lot of difficulties to maintain their skin due to puberty mainly. Different changes including hormone changes happen during this time for which any unnecessary things should be avoided to reduce risk.

Girls think that using after-sun skincare after sunburn heals the damage. But it’s not true in any way. It might give comfort for the time being but it does damage to the skin. For the teenager’s various problems including acne may be the result of this. The bottom line is a teenager should try not to use after-sun skincare.

Hope you’ve got a clear idea about why teenage girls should not use after sun skincare by reading the above article.

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