Is eye concealer haram in Islam?
No, the eye concealer is not haram in Islam. Islam says that you need to make sure you are responsible with your makeup and avoid causing harm, but it is not haram in Islam. But it’s complicated a bit.
However, this is a question that has been asked by many people. In this post, we will be going over the Islamic beliefs on concealers and what it says in Islam about eye concealers.
The first thing to know is that there are no specific teachings in Quran or Hadith regarding eye concealers or any cosmetics for that matter.
This does not mean it is haram, but it does mean you need to make sure you are using them responsibly so as not to cause harm to yourself or your family members.
Is eye concealer haram in Islam?
There is no specific teaching in Quran or Hadith regarding eye concealers.
No, the eye concealer is not haram in Islam. Islam says that you need to make sure you are responsible with your makeup and avoid causing harm, but it is not haram in Islam.
No mention of the usage of any type of product which would be called ‘eye concealer’ is found in the Qur’an.
The only mention of cosmetics is about kohl (Surma), which Muslims believe to be a sunscreen that protects against UV rays and helps to reduce glare, but it has nothing to do with concealing or hiding anything like dark circles under the eyes.
Which Makeup Ingredient is Haram in Islam?
There are many makeup ingredients that Muslims believe to be haram, but the most important is an ingredient that is not pure or natural.
Some people say that alcohol in products is haram because it can damage skin cells and cause dryness; this is true for some types of beauty products like nail polish remover.
Other people think chemical dyes used in hair dye are not halal due to their synthetic nature, while others would argue they’re just made up of chemicals we eat every day so there’s nothing wrong with using them on our bodies too.
What if I use Products that Contain Alcohol?
If you choose to wear a product containing alcohol then please make sure you follow these methods:
– Wash your face before applying
If you use products that contain alcohol, the Muslimah is still accountable to Allah (SWT). As mentioned in the Quran and hadith, we are liable for what we do with our bodies. So if it’s not a problem on your skin or hair then it shouldn’t be an issue.
But there will always be some Muslims who say otherwise due to personal preference and religious interpretation.
To know more about the best alcohol-free perfume for women, check the linked article.
What about Products Containing Animal By-Products?
Believe it or not, even using animal byproducts like lanolin can cause problems when applying makeup according to Islam because of its haram status as per many scholars; so if you’re following Islamic guidelines this is one ingredient you’ll want to keep away from unless they’re plant-based.
Lastly, in order to be a Muslimah who is mindful of the ibaadat and religious obligations (fard) on her body, one should not wear makeup or any other form of adornment for that matter while fasting during Ramadan by abstaining from all meals and drinks including water.
This means no wearing nail polish as well which is prohibited for women observing hijab because it may become an obstacle when removing the scarf after breaking fast at Taraweeh prayers; even if there’s only moisture residue left on nails due to sweat accumulation over time.”
What Are The Ingredients of Making a Concealer?
Talc is a mineral that’s been used as the main ingredient in makeup to help it adhere easily. Talcum powder is made from talc, and so are baby powders and dry shampoos.
It can come with other substances mixed in for different effects like titanium dioxide or zinc oxide which act as sunscreen agents; cornstarch or rice starch to make it more absorbent; bismuth oxychloride (a heavy metal) for shine; kaolin clay if there’s too much oiliness, etc.”
What Are The Ingredients of Making Make-Up?
Lastly, some people may say “it is not haram,” but they have no idea about what Islam has prohibited on us because we should be grateful for what we have in front of us and should not waste it.
Talcum powder is made from talc, and so are baby powders and dry shampoos. It can come with other substances mixed in for different effects like titanium dioxide or zinc oxide which act as sunscreen agents; cornstarch or rice starch to make it more absorbent; bismuth oxychloride (a heavy metal) for shine; kaolin clay if there’s too much oiliness, etc.”
Read More – Is wearing foundation haram in Islam?